grow mushrooms with coffee grounds

Growing Mushrooms in Coffee Grounds: A Step-by-Step Guide

It is important to note that growing mushrooms in coffee grounds requires some knowledge and care, as not all types of coffee grounds are suitable and the process can be challenging.

If you’re interested in trying to grow mushrooms in coffee grounds, it’s best to keep reading this article.

What is Coffee Ground?

Coffee grounds are the leftover coffee bean after brewing coffee.

They are a rich source of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can make them an excellent addition to soil or compost.

coffee grounds mushrooms

What Mushrooms Grow On Coffee Grounds?

Coffee grounds are a nitrogen-rich substrate that favors the growth of many species of mushrooms, especially those that feed on wood, such as oyster, shiitake, reishi or enoki.

growing mushrooms in coffee grounds

How Is Coffee Used As A Substrate For Mushrooms?

Coffee can be used as a mushroom substrate in two ways: alone or mixed with other materials.

  1. If you use coffee alone, you will need to add a little water to moisten it and some flour or bran to increase the carbon content.
  2. If you use a mixture, you can combine the coffee with straw, sawdust, cardboard or newspaper.

In both cases, you will have to sterilize or pasteurize the substrate before inoculating it with the mycelium of the fungus you want to grow.

growing mushrooms in coffee grounds

Can Mushrooms Be Grown Only With Coffee?

Yes, you can grow mushrooms with coffee alone, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Coffee alone is a very nutritious substrate, but it is also very prone to contamination by other microorganisms.

Therefore, it is important to use an effective sterilization method, such as a pressure cooker or microwave, and to work in conditions that are as clean as possible.

In addition, black coffee has a low pH, which can limit the growth of some fungi.

To solve this, a little lime or ash can be added to raise the pH.

grow mushrooms in coffee grounds

How To Grow Mushrooms In Coffee Grounds

To grow mushrooms in coffee wells, just follow these steps.

Materials Needed

  • Coffee grounds (used or fresh)
  • Mushroom spores or spawn
  • Large container with lid (such as a plastic container or a bucket)
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Aluminum foil

coffee grounds mushrooms

1. Get some coffee grounds.

You can use the leftover ones from your coffee maker.

The important thing is that they are fresh and do not have mold or other contaminants.

If you are not going to use them right away, you can store them in a closed bag in the refrigerator or freezer.

2. Get a substrate for mushrooms.

The substrate is the medium where the mushrooms will grow and feed.

There are many types of substrates, but a very good and easily available one is wheat straw.

3. Get some mushroom seeds.

Mushroom seeds are called spores and can be bought in specialized stores or online.

There are many types of mushrooms you can grow, but a very popular and tasty one is the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus).

You can also use other mushrooms such as mushroom, shiitake or reishi.

4. Sterilize the substrate.

This is to eliminate any bacteria or fungi that may compete with the ones you want to grow.

To sterilize the substrate, you can use several methods, but a very simple one is to boil it in water for an hour.

Then, you have to drain it well and let it cool down.

coffee mushroom substrate

5. Mix the substrate with the coffee grounds.

You can use a 50/50 proportion or vary it according to your preference.

The important thing is that the mixture is homogeneous and humid, but not soggy.

You can use a large container to make the mixture or make it directly in the bag where you kept the coffee grounds.

6. Inoculate the substrate with the mushroom spores.

To do this, you can use a sterilized syringe and fill it with a solution of water and spores.

Then, you have to make some holes in the bag or container where the substrate and coffee mixture is and inject the solution through the holes.

You can use about 10 ml of solution per liter of substrate.

7. Seal the bag or container with tape or a perforated lid.

This is to prevent air or contaminants from entering the culture, but at the same time allow the fungi to breathe.

Next, you need to put the bag or container in a dark, cool place, such as a closet or basement.

The ideal temperature for cultivation is between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius.

8. Wait for the mushrooms to grow.

This process can take two to four weeks, depending on the type of fungus and growing conditions.

During this time, there is no need to water or move the crop, just check for signs of contamination or dryness.

9. Stimulate mushroom fruiting.

When you see white or brown bumps start to appear on the substrate, it means that the mushrooms are ready to fructify.

This means that they are going to form their caps and stems, which are the edible parts.

To stimulate fruiting, you have to change the growing conditions.

  1. The first thing to do is to open the bag or container and expose it to indirect sunlight or a fluorescent lamp.
  2. The second thing to do is to lower the temperature to about 15 degrees Celsius.
  3. The third thing to do is to spray the crop with water once or twice a day to maintain humidity.

grow mushrooms in coffee grounds

10. Harvest the mushrooms.

In a few days, you will see the mushrooms start to grow and take shape.

When they are the size and shape you like, you can harvest them.

To do this, just cut them with a knife or your hands, being careful not to damage the substrate.growing mushrooms from coffee grounds


In summary, if you don’t want to complicate yourself with substrates, the option of using coffee grounds is a good and sustainable alternative.

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