bleach for sterilize substrate mushroom

Can I Use Bleach to Sterilize Mushroom Substrate?

If you are an amateur mushroom grower, you will know that substrate sterilization is a fundamental step to avoid contamination and ensure a good harvest.

In this article we will explain why it is not recommended to use bleach to sterilize mushroom substrate and what alternatives are available to you.

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Can I Use Bleach To Sterilize The Mushroom Substrate?

No. Don’t even think about it!.

can i use bleach for sterilize mushroom substrate

What Is Bleach And Why Should It Not Be Used To Sterilize Mushroom Substrate?

Bleach is a chemical that is commonly used to disinfect surfaces, clothing and other objects.

Its main component is sodium hypochlorite, which has bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties.

However, bleach is also very corrosive and can damage materials with which it comes into contact, such as metal, plastic or wood.

Mushroom substrate is the medium where mycelia and mushroom fruits grow.

It can be composed of different organic materials, such as straw, sawdust, coffee, nut shells, etc.

bleack for sterilize substrate

These materials are rich in nutrients, but they are also susceptible to harboring unwanted microorganisms that compete with the fungi and can ruin the crop.

To avoid this, the substrate must be sterilized before inoculating it with the mycelium of the fungi we want to cultivate.

Bleach is not a suitable method for sterilizing mushroom substrate for several reasons:

  1. Bleach does not eliminate all microorganisms, but only reduces their number. Some microorganisms can survive bleach and multiply again in the substrate once it is diluted or evaporated.
  2. Bleach can alter the chemical composition of the substrate, affecting its pH, salt content and other nutrients. This can impair the growth and fruiting of fungi.
  3. Bleach can leave toxic residues in the substrate that can be absorbed by the fungi and passed on to the fruits. This can pose a health risk to people consuming the mushrooms.
  4. Bleach can damage mushroom mycelium if it comes into contact with it during inoculation or cultivation. The mycelium is very sensitive to chemicals and can die or become diseased if exposed to bleach.

bleach for sterilize mushrooms


There are several methods for sterilizing mushroom substrate, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

The most important thing is to choose the method that best suits your needs, resources and objectives.

And remember: never use bleach to sterilize mushroom substrate, as it is a dangerous and ineffective product for this purpose.

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